The Time to Switch to LED Bulbs is Now

For years, homeowners have relied on incandescent bulbs to illuminate their homes, but newer LED bulbs are rapidly taking their place. Learn about four benefits of LED bulbs and why you should make the switch in your Sarasota home.

Save Energy

In 2012 the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) went into effect, mandating a 25 percent increase in energy efficiency for light bulbs. Since the vast majority of incandescent light bulbs rely on technology that can’t meet these new standards, LED light bulbs are the best choice for saving energy. Make the switch to Energy Star LED bulbs to save an average of $75 on your energy bill each year.

Replace Bulbs Less Frequently

When you make the change to LED bulbs, it’s likely that you won’t have to replace the same bulb again for a very long time. LED bulbs last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, which means your lights can work for years without needing a replacement. Though most new and old fixtures will take the new bulbs without any modification, don’t hesitate to contact your local electrician if you have any technical or safety-related questions.

Enjoy Cleaner Light

If you loved the warm light characteristic of incandescent bulbs, you might be worried about the cool light that some LED bulbs emit. You’ll be relieved to know that the majority of LED bulbs actually have a color temperature that’s very close to that of warm incandescent bulbs. Look for LEDs with a color temperature around 2700K for best results.

Dim Lights to Set the Mood

If you’re a fan of dimmer switches, you may have noticed that incandescent bulbs have a tendency to change colors when dimmed. In contrast, LED bulbs maintain their color, so you don’t have to worry about the room turning a strange shade of yellow when you’re trying to set the mood.

Ready to make the switch to LED bulbs? Don’t wait another minute to dial  and speak with the electrical installation experts at Luminous Electric.

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