Master Electrician Wiring Installation

Wiring installation problems are to blame for thousands of house fires every year. These annual wiring fires cause hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in property damage. Luminous Electric stocks a wide variety of electrical products to ensure your home’s electrical system operates as expected. To make sure your home is wiring installation is free of dangerous defects, the following maintenance should be performed on a regular basis.

  • Inspect breaker box and confirm adequate connections.
    Worn or improperly installed breaker boxes can cause electrical problems in your home, such as power shortages or overloads.
  • Check meter bases for proper grounding.
    Is your house grounded properly? The single most important part of your homes electrical system is your house ground. To insure maximum protection from accidental electrocution, have your house ground and meter base inspected.
  • Inspect wiring in attic.
    As part of our routine inspection, we will be sure all wiring in attics and crawl spaces are properly connected and are rated to handle the electrical load they are carrying.
  • Testing of smoke alarms & carbon dioxide detectors.
    It is vitally important that all smoke alarms whether hard wired into your home or battery operated are maintained properly and in working order at all times. For homes with gas furnaces and appliances, carbon dioxide detectors should also be installed and maintained. We will check to make sure these systems are in proper working order and fresh batteries are placed in these devices.
  • Verify proper G.F.C.I. Protection is installed.
    A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is the only protection device designed to protect people against electric shock from an electrical system. Many areas require them to be installed and for those that do not, it is a wise decision to have them installed anyway.

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